Member News: February 2018
SIGN-UP and PAY for KWIK Trip Gift Cards
Great fundraiser for the LCC.
PLAN to ATTEND + INVITE Interested Guests
Olympic Party Open House and Fun-Curl
on Sunday 02/25/18 4pm-7:30pm
Bring treats to share while watching
medal match Olympic curling.
The LCC BOD (Board of Directors) needs YOU
to join the BOD.
Let us know if you would be willing to serve on the board.
17-18 BOD: Chris H, Kathi M, Jud O, Jim W,
Jim B, Tim A, Roger Z, Robert R.
PLAN to ATTEND the LCC Annual Meeting
6:30pm on 04/04/18. We NEED your input.
STAY UP-to-DATE… Check the website often.